allow me to add golurk fusions in here

2 26


(Yes, Golurk is one of my favorite Pokémon now)

0 5

Flou's pokemon team ! 1/2
In order :
> Txikia (flygon)
> Elvis (runerigus)
> Algernon (Kingambit)
> Luther (Golurk)

4 21

Kinda sad almost all of the handle details are being covered but I couldn’t think of another way for golurk to hold it

0 4

Mi top 3 pokemon favoritos de blanco y negro

0 4

One last call trainers! Report of a new mons in area Zero has been released. Some speculate it was invented to protect cities of Iron Berserk.

Iron Armor Electric/Ground
Rotom/Golurk Paradox Form - Future

163 1214

I can think of a few others with this exact trope but they’re not as cool. One of my favorites tho, Golurk, does have a glowing eyes face sans the black void

0 0

i hate jus about everything about capsakid, made me confused the moment i looked at it and has only gotten worse (scovillain is awesome though)
golurk is my favorite pokemon, big and strong, fun to use, is my 2 favorite types, and can become and cannon as well as fly.. super cool

0 9

I think Golurk is underappreciated. They're cute in their own way. Thank you for this chance!

0 0

O primeiro treinador pokemon com 2 dos seus fies pokemon é A PAREDE! O Lirio com seus pokemons que o representa mto bem, com um Golurk e uma Tinkaton

4 15


"Iron Guardian" (Golurk)
Type: Ground/Steel
Ability: Quark Drive

HP: 129
Attack: 144
Def: 106
SpAtk: 45
SpDef: 106
Speed: 40

5 21

Hey does anyone here like Golurk I really like Golurk

22 1491

I feel bad for the old fans, Golurk is the best ever.

3 58

Oct 18th: Miltank + Golurk

1 8

What‘s your guys‘ ideal Pokemon team? If I got to pick any Pokemon I wanted, I‘d probably emd up with this:
Noivern, Chandelure, Golurk, Wavile, Mismagius and Clawitzer

0 1

Golurk GOD
Todo panzón
Todo volador

0 1