To counter the ill-will of witches or evil spirits that mean you harm, wear ‘Elf-Arrows’ or ‘Fairie Darts’ set in silver or gold as a necklace.

🎨 Ulla Thynell

29 140

"Ah, distinctly I remember
it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember
wrought its ghost upon the floor. "
~ Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Raven'

21 59

The Ahiarmiut people told the story of Paija, a cannibal spirit with one leg, and flowing, black hair. She hunted in the long winter nights, looking for those caught in blizzards to devour...

🎨Aleks Sennwald

45 129

Andersen's "The Snow Queen, 1844 (Danish: Snedronningen) can travel throughout the world with the snow.
Art by me
Here my music video "Cold Winter" inspired by Snow Maidens

5 18

Twitter trends in one picture
6th December 2022

TOPICS (=Prompt): Boomer Proud Boys Series X High IQ $APE

1 6

THE SNOW QUEEN'S MIRROR makes anything good in the world appear bad & all that is evil & worthless seem attractive. If a fragment enters a person's eye they will see only faults, if a splinter enters a person's heart it will turn to ice

54 148

Looks like dear scores high in the Butter and Pretty Dresses department..

4 11

Lussi, a Germanic sorceress, is the dark counterpart of Saint Lucia. On the night of December 13 -- 'Lussi Night' -- she rides through the sky on Odin's Wild Hunt, with her band of elves and faeries, called 'Lussiferda'.

139 462

'What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness everywhere!'
Sonnet 97: How like a winter hath my absence been
🎨Caspar David Friedrich, Winter Landscape with a Church, 1811

22 103

Nisse: A Nordic creature of folklore, much like a tomte or household spirit, who appears around Yule or Christmas. They should be left an offering on Christmas Eve, and do not like tradition to be ignored.
(Illus: 'Julbocken' [Yule Goat], J.Bauer, 1912)

57 198

The grave sow (gravsoen) is a huge pig in Scandinavian folklore that is especially active during the Yuletide season. It's got hackles on its back that are as sharp as blades, fangs and red eyes that glow in the dark.

41 238

At Epiphany, Italians are visited by La Befana, the Christmas witch. Like Claus, she arrives via the chimney with gifts. But she also brings coal for the naughty children and may take them back home to her child-guzzling husband.

(Pic by )

28 122

“Ah,distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
& each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor
Eagerly I wished the morrow;— vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow— sorrow for the lost Lenore —”
Edgar Allan Poe,The Raven

60 180

Everyone in the LG team would like to wish you all a very happy & healthy new year, here's to an exciting and wondrous 2022, gawd bless ya all.

1 6

In Ecuador it is New Years Eve tradition to burn scarecrows to banish bad luck and memories no longer wanted.

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"...the bards and harpers assembled in ancient days at this time of wassail... the tale and the song are amongst the spirits that wait on Christmas still, and charm the long winter evenings with their yet undiminished spells."

The Book of Christmas | Hervey (1888)

17 63

He does not think that I haunt here nightly:
How shall I let him know
That whither his fancy sets him wandering
I, too, alertly go? -
Hover & hover a few feet from him
Just as I used to do.–Thomas Hardy

🎨Sulamith Wulfing

6 18

A very Happy Christmas Eve to all my readers and followers. Here's a slightly disturbing Christmas card for you all to enjoy. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

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