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Realized today that my barbarian would have a Granbull in Pokémon and that’s what I’ve done with my day
Thanks @BelialraelVT well i got a random assortment but here is my team. Don't judge me for my #1 spot i have a soft spot for snubbull and granbull.
@bloodyku @chumasu @JeminiTheRipper @Torakai_Oni youre up if you havent done this already
@bromojumbo FFFFF, Bruh you forgot Granbull.
Dude invented punk for Pokemon.
Turvy - Hitmontop/Beautifly
Birb Fuud - Dodrio/Dratini
Happy Feet - Skarmory/Doduo
Kamen Rider - Ledian/Granbull
Button - Breloom/Jumpluff
Jim♀ - Whiscash/Plusle
⬛️ Leovigilda 🟥
Clases: Paladín, Domadora, ???, ???.
Equipo: Tenacitas (Vikavolt) , Isidora (Granbull), Cuncho (Drednaw)
Personalidad: Extricta, violenta y fanática religiosa.
Sooo I make the evolution and Mega-evolution of the previous fusion. This is Granbulle and Banette. I'm still kinda waiting for suggestions of Wich Pokemon you would like to see fused
#PokemonScarletViolet #Pokemon #PokemonEscarlataPurpura
A new yaju (designed by yukopokemon on insta) . What do you think??
#fakemon #fakemonart #pokemongen1 #pokemongen2 #yajumasters #monpak #growlithe #arcanine #snubbull #granbull #houndour #houndoom #poochyena #mightyena #furfrou #boltund #rockruff #lycanroc #zacian #zamazenta
210 - Granbull
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Intimidate, Quick-feet, Rattled
@bromojumbo This is a great way to catch everyone ☺️ I've got W I D E Granbull (with some Ultra Beast infection as well), W I D E Hypno, and a bonus Yamask Evo I made because of the confidence I got from drawing in this challenge
#pokemon #fakemon #regionalform
210 - Granbull
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Intimidate, Quick-feet, Rattled
saw this and instantly had to draw Fang with Granbull #OurFlagMeansDeath #Pokemon https://t.co/iMjylkZE3A
No. 210: Granbull
Fairy Pokémon
Although it's popular with young people, Granbull is timid and sensitive, so it's totally incompetent as a watchdog.
pokefusion between granbull, weezing, n krabby plus the initial concept sketch. idk just had a poke-craving :] #pokemon #pokefusion
210 - Granbull
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Intimidate, Quick-feet, Rattled
Day 132 of daily random #Pokemon drawing!
210 - Granbull
What is a pokemon that you don't hate, but they have something in their design that irks you? For me, I hate that Granbull's giant teeth are the same colour as the rest of it, like they're covered in skin and fur. [https://t.co/wuYQBcO8GB]