Loving HazeMama from . Glad to see that this one will be sticking around all year long.

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What a glorious greeting the sun gives the mountains.
I’d like to play around more with scenic images and lighting.

📸 https://t.co/n1ygOYFVbt via https://t.co/oqC42an914

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1/2 Attention parents & teachers! The GLFC’s sea lamprey activity book is now online! Click on the link below to download your printable copy: https://t.co/O1ShIxN6yR

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Gem City Comic Con
Motor City Comic Con
If you can’t make those shows but are still interested, let me know!
Message me for prices and to get on my list. I’m doing the 9x12 portraits, sketch covers +more!

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prints and stickers coming soon! Just in time for

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Here's a little mash up of Gordie from and a classic Canadian short film. Only people of a certain age may get this reference but I loved the short as a kid (and still do).

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Rudolph, the Red-horse Reindeer 🦌: We’re running SHORT on time before the big day! The shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) can get us to in time!

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Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow: while central stonerollers aren't typically found in the themselves, they’re common in small to medium streams + rivers around the basin

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We’re rolling right along into Day 16 of with the central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum)!

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Who knew a small fish could make such as splash? Moral of today's the mimic shiner can be difficult to understand (even among fish biologists), but loving them is not!

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Steelhead are native to North America west of the Rockies, but have been introduced for food/sport in at least 45 countries + every continent except Antarctica. They were first introduced to the in 1876 when fish were stocked into MI’s Au Sable River

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Steelhead + rainbow trout are actually the same species, but with different lifestyles: steelhead are migratory (born in rivers but move to the ocean or while rainbows are river homebodies

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But like helping Scrooge learning the error of his ways, this Ghost of Past tells us all is not lost: many researchers + agencies across the are working to protect + restore native Ciscoes - check out + tagged tweeps for more!

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While native to east Asia, goldfish have been widely-introduced across the world because of their popularity as aquarium + pond fish. They’ve been found in every contiguous US state + all the

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Silver lampreys are members of a group of jawless, ancient fish called Petromyzontiformes - their name “Ichthyomyzon” literally means “fish-sucker” (Greek, ichthys = fish + myzo = to suckle)

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Halfway through the week y'all, and it's a beautiful day🌞for singing!🎶 (artwork by )

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My tee shirts are on sale, because they only have a few weeks left before they're gone! https://t.co/MKPYKLiq1n

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It's not the sea, but this was one angry when I sketched it at Sherod Park in Vermilion, OH, over the Fourth of July holiday.

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Looks like a superior day here! Sunrise on Superior 8x10” oil

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