ahhh personal art of my charater cooper. He is a a griffolk but I cannot roleplay little anthros so when I roleplay them I make them human for my own sanity. Anyway heres Cooper jumping out a window.

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hello yes I have been very lazy and/or working on one picture for a player in my game I run, but I drew his retainer and my DMPC Val who is a Griffolk, a custom race I made for my game.

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Oh dear, Chicken has fallen over and is too embarrassed to get up ;;
12/10 would pet to cheer him up again uwu

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My newest Griffolk! His name is Orion and he is a Terradragon. He's based off the Orion nebula. Designed by me.
Terradragons are a closed species

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griffia post since I've been super busy this week

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Hey Everyone we are running an event right now at https://t.co/WkV8hmNE2w. We are also doing a Create Your Own Griffolk Event for a limited time! Join before August 31st to earn rewards!

Click here to read more about the event!

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This adorable little fella is Ba'al, my newest character! He is a total dumbass who constantly falls over, and I love him very much XD He also desperately wants to be an evil mastermind but uh... yeah how is that going for ya, bud? XDDD

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Progress on magic familiar class

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Griffia Event drawings!
Decided to do Orivember so here are some lf the prompts lve done with my terradragon shayla!

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Still really love how this came out yeehaw

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I keep forgetting to post so here's sum art of my griffolk :D

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