The elves - famous one! The elves help out the poor shoemakers, until they are given clothes. It comes with two other stories - one features a human godmother to a fairy baby, which is a nice counterpoint to all those fairy godmothers.

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The four skilful brothers. The brothers are respectively a thief, stargazer, hunter and tailor. They go to rescue a princess from a dragon, but their task is made difficult because the dragon is asleep in her lap...

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Donkey cabbages - here is the hero using the magic cloak to fly the witch's daughter to the jewel mountain - after he throws up the magic bird heart and before he eats the magic cabbage and turns into a donkey.

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The learned hunter - with the help of supernatural hunting abilities, a magic sword, and a stolen slipper, the hunter successfully defeats three giants and gets together with the princess.

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The twelve hunters - a king is unfaithful to his wife, so she and 11 friends dress as huntsmen and come after him. The king's lion suspects and suggests covering the floor in peas, as women famously avoid peas. But the women are wise to this...

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The little peasant - starting with nothing but a wooden calf, the peasant tricks his way into riches. In the end everyone else in the town drowns themselves in the river looking for sheep (that are actually reflected clouds).

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Walpurgis Sprite 15: Ipos Big Bad Wolf
Grandma what big fucking goose legs you have
All the better to waddle over to you with, my dear

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The dog and the sparrow - this is a particularly gruesome one. The dog and the sparrow are best friends. The dog is run over by a cart, and the sparrow embarks upon a series of violent revenge upon the carter.

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Today's Grimm fairytale is the willow wren in honour of (where do these days come from?!). The story is mainly obscure German puns on bird noises, and explains how the wren became king of all the birds

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Today marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Lefler who died 1919. These illustrations are my favorite from Grimms Märchen (Grimms’ Fairy Tales).

Godfather Death
Snow White and Rose Red
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White

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Heinrich Lefler died 1919. These illustrations are from “Grimms Märchen” (Grimms’ Fairy Tales) and were by both Lefler and his brother-in-law Joseph Urban.

Godfather Death
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White and Rose Red
Snow White

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Here's a favorite illustration from "Tales From The Brothers Grimm". It's from the lesser known story "The Riddle".

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