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@Halflington @goblintown Hey @goblintown, This @halflington team continues to blow me away! I love the new trait swap. Picked up this adventurous little guy and cool new background! #goblintown #grumpls
@Halflington @goblintown Today early in the morning one brave halfling came from the land of #grumplz and brought a full bag of gold from his christmas adventure at #goblintown. The bag was stinky, we think he was collecting coins from the floor there at @goblintown But the gold is gold! Worm welcome! 😀
@Halflington @goblintown Thanks @goblintown for the awesome #CC0 backgrounds! We love #goblintown & #grumpls in @Halflington 🫡 I swept 37 #halflings so far today. Fingers crossed I can get lucky on winning the dope #goblin above! 🤞 Thanks #Halflington for the opportunity! 🙏
@Halflington @goblintown @goblintown #goblintown #grumpls all I want for Christmas is you
Goblintown #giveaway ($750+)👺🎁
How to win?🏆
- Sweep a Halfling
- Change background to 1 of 3 free-to-claim #Grumpl CCO art on https://t.co/kgvBvnRDE2
- Comment with NFT below
- Tag @goblintown and add #goblintown & #grumpls
(Bought more #halflings? You only have to change 1)
@goblintown if you kill these two grumpls I swear I will never ever talk to you again.
Which of the up and coming free #Grumpl backgrounds are you going to pick for your #Halfling? 👀
1: Hard to get outta gobtown
2: Nappin' pile
3: It's not easy being little
#Freemint #Traitswap #Halflings #NFT #NFTs #Grumpls #Goblins #Goblintownwtf #Artswap #CCOart
GM, thanks for all the birthday wishes! Anyway I just wanna show you guys the very first @goblintown 3 burgrr grumpl art that @process_grey send me when I first got introduced.
Did anyone spot the Grumpls 'nod' to @beeple in @goblintown grumpls? it's hard to read, but something like:
"Have you seen this man? not to be trusted, stinky, stoopid and good for burger meat, if you see him, make sure to cover in pees" 😂
I couldn't fight the FOMO anymore. Pulled funds from my trading account just for this guy..
I couldn't say no to a wizard kart with 14 grumpls in the back seat. Love the art, love the world building and @Atari collab. Great job @goblintown !
Where my other #TeamWiz karts at?
I absolutely love my 3-burger #grumpls cars 🚘 from @goblintown that were revealed last night. The art on these is incredible. Amazing work and talent (as always) by @process_grey !! 💚
@goblintown & @AtariX coming out with a game together makes me feel bullish. Can't wait to play with my goblin and grumpl frens. This team has put out a lot of great things in such a rough market. @truth keeps producing. 🖤🫡
@crypto_tunaaaa @goblintown @process_grey @iPlusQooo I don't have a 3 burger trap 🥲
I do have a grumpl! Just not a car.
WOAH! i hAd a fEeLin suMfiN biG wuZ goNna haPpin, bUt nOt diS. dA meTaMoRfisuS wuZ sUpr kWik aNd i’M noT qUitE shUr he’s dOne cHanGinG. SkrOTus wAnZ to tAke hiM bAck to da Lab fo tEsts, buT aLL i cAn tiNK aboWt is taKin hiM fo a riDe. Meet Picklz @goblintown #grumpls