Queen Naga from HoMM3 cosplay?~ 🐍🤓

6 24

Nice HoMM3, Lumi sure needs RAM for these strategy games
by the way I just finished a Lumi fanart, I hope you like it

1 10

Кілька малюнків з акварельного скетчбуку

Пан Фродо як герой з HoMM3 та віверна-монарх звідти ж:

31 343

HoMM 3

Love it! Forever!

(unknown artist, found somewhere)

0 0

{ } 🌺 🦋

🌱 Sylvan were my favourite faction in Heroes of Might and Magic V, and Pixie/Dryad was one of my most loved units!

What about you? ✨

60 363

repost cuz im sad that the first one got 0 likes 😞


1 21

Очень медленно продолжаю рисовать существ Некрополиса.

3 58

Wrong wyvern
Crossover, wyvern from disciples2 try to live in the wyvern's nest of heroes3

1 4

Playing and seeing this my heart screamed!
But it is just similar the game mechanics are fresh new and intense and and and... but see for yourself:

well done *claps*

4 13


6 13

Потихоньку продолжаю перерисовывать существ Некрополиса.

6 79

"Welcome to the swamp"
Wyverns from heroes3

1 3

Looks like i have not been drawn arts with guuurls for a millenia, so - here is one!
Here is cow-barbariannes Velina. Would you know how it was had to not do her red and do not give her an axe (Hello, Red Shetland - and Shiva from HOMM series!). So she is a spear-thrower! :V

0 1

Небольшая подборка существ Цитадели. Часть 3.

8 99

Небольшая подборка существ Цитадели. Часть 2.

8 102

Небольшая подборка существ Цитадели. Часть 1.

19 144

Ich bin live auf Twitch!
Wir quatschen ein wenig und spielen vll. nebenbei HOMM3!

LINK: https://t.co/lAUNczA1xQ

1 6

Mutare Drake from Heroes3.
The scene from game video where she drinks the dragon blood.

0 5