Lá fora, porém, uma festa puxada pelos chapéus de palha toma forma e nela shandias e “anjos” convivem em harmonia, comemorando como iguais a queda de Enel, o soar do sino e o entendimento de que a vearth acolhe, não segrega. A festa que +

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Let me introduce you shandian Zoro

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Donc là ya des gens qui viennent tout juste de découvrir que les Shandias, Bilcas, Skypias, Lunarias viennent tous de la Lune

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Llevo pensando en Dragon desde ayer, y entre a la wiki para ver q mas habia sobre el y me encontre q comparte seiyu con Kalgara. No digo q sean la misma persona, pero fisicamente tiene similitudes a los shandians, la tez de la piel y en especial los tatuajes

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Shandian ( 's oc) being all proud of his height while ZH... is still processing his disciple got so big(??)

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Zhu Hao and Shandian ( 's baby) panicking over handholding sketch I made a while ago HAHA

I just really softed over this headcanon and HAD to draw it 🥺💖💖

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Je sens vraiment le design à la Shandia pour King et sa tribu (je rappelle au passage que Calgara/Wiper sont des purs bg)

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Look closely at the 3 people on the painting they're differents. Likely they all descended to earth but Shandians went to the land

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Hoy cumple años Raki, uno de los guerreros Shandians que lucharon para recuperar Upper Yard de su enemigo Enel. En la actualidad ella y Conis dirigen juntas un restaurante llamado Cafe Pumpkin.

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Serpent carvings in Shandora: Quetzalcoatl(Aztecs deity)

In Aztec culture they practice human sacrifice & Quetzalcoatl is considered to be the Serpent deity. Shandians who are based on similar culture, worship Kashigami(Giant serpent) as god of sun & offer human sacrifice to it.

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check out these redesigns of Daredevil.


1. By Shorterazer on DeviantArt
2. By Shorterazer on DeviantArt
3. By NathanDiazArt
4. By Comicbookguy54321 on DeviantArt

😎-Each...bad ass!

1 19

+ ils ont des Poneglyphes, les Shandias ont du granit marin qui vient que de Wano, et enfin les îles célestes existent grâce aux éruptions volcaniques qui proviennent du seul pays où il y a du Granit marin

0 4

Oraingoz -ko buru maitatuena!

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The 2nd installment of the SPLIT SCREEN Series: HANDIANA JOLO! An ode to Harrison Ford and two of his iconic roles.

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Aste hontan berandu xamar baina beti bezain gogotsu! |ren erronkari nere 6. erantzuna: handiaren mitikoan ikusia. Milesker berriz ere ariketa partekatu eder honengatik!

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