Piece 2/2 for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang project by ! The accompanying fic is by the brilliant mikanwrites and can be found here: https://t.co/BfTIdyuWL9
Closeups in comments!

1 4

"The organic farm I purchased has a comfortable tool shed." 💜😏

Low key want to make a Juju book full of art like this - Will you guys support it? 😅

137 706

Finally, a wedding. 💜😊
No matter the theme, we might've all imagined it.
Congratulations, client-nim!

156 824

If you were studying to be a writer (like ) - Jumin would sit and listen to you reading your drafts out loud, right? You'll take turns appreciating books since you both read a lot. 🤭💜

59 438

You could land a plane on those shoulders -
... Swimming does wonders. 💜🥲

167 908

Before Mr. Director shares you with the world, he will demand at least an hour. You gotta wake up at 5am?💜🤣
RIP non-morning peeps.

76 630

A slow dance with you on Christmas night.
You must know it, my heart is dancing too. 💜😊

113 661

“Although my role is to keep you safe in my possession.. in reality, that is not true at all.
You’re the one who can leave this place anytime...
Not me.”

In this account, I am rehabilitating him.

107 736

"After listening to Han Jumin tackle business ethics, I casually asked about his wife.
Though the answer was short, it was spoken with warmth. He smiled with his eyes and suddenly seemed much younger."
- EconomicsPlus Editorial Writer

156 838

Little spoon MC fell asleep....
Just a little jealous. 🥺💜

73 563

I know I'm not vocal about it, but I do accept commissions if people ask. Thank you.💜 Also Juju biting a neck - I well. 😳

78 593

OCT 7: The ones who showed up at the door.
And that concludes Jumin Week 1 💜💜💜
Your likes, rts and comments revive the fandom - thank you. 🥲💜

... I wonder what next week will look like. 😱

95 569

OCT 6: On the way home, Jumin notes Duffany & Co.'s new collection.

Sidenote: I'm sorry, quality might decline soon because I'm getting drained faster than I thought. ^^ ;

79 510

you make me feel special, jumin han... 💜
happy birthday!!! 💜💜💜💜✨

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