Dropping my best boy, Farron Mahariel 🙈
Have fun practising! 🫶

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Finally up to Inquisition in my Dragon Age replaythrough just wanted you all to know I love my canon 3 soooo much!

I will try to draw them soon
Natalien Mahariel, Marien Hawke, Julianne Lavellan

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Anyways, I made a new Warden for my world state and decided to hop into DAI character creator to make him in HD

Geran Mahariel, lover to Morrigan

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Some of my zevran/mahariel things from tumblr 😳

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Run away or else Hariet will blast you to smithereens! "Special" version at https://t.co/kWIaKLMUz1

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absolutely in LOVE with ‘s new picrew, and decided to make my Heroes of Ferelden (in order: Ida Tabris, Nell Cousland, Maggie Amell, and Maiv Mahariel)

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Esta seria Hariett Riley. Ainda pretendo dar um enredo mais concreto para ela, mas por enquanto...
O Primeiro (08/2020) e último desenho que fiz dela até o momento.(02/2023)

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Hey Aaron, thank you for the opportunity! I'm available to work right away.


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here’s mahariel braiding couslands hair and giving him some loving :3

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I have drawn my otter Luther Lutharie in his new outfit as an island wheeler boy and ready to surf in his spare time.

🎨DA: https://t.co/ZHV0YrfQJJ

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lothariel x valen
(my chaotic faerie dragon loving arcane archer and Mr Grouchy)

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Joyeux Anniversaire à mon bébou Zachariel!

Dernier dessin fait il y a quelques semaines vs premier dessin fait vers 2018

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Story and Art by Alpharie

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Hariette Horse’s heroism as a hairdresser has helped heal hideous-headed heartache with hydration, heat, and heavenly hearsay.

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