the Arms and Badge of Angelos Giannakoureas - digitally illustrated by myself

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the Arms, Standard, and Badge of Robert Harrison, chairman of digitally illustrated by myself. I am very honoured to have been commissioned by Robert himself!

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the double crested Arms of Bryan O'Reilly digitally illustrated by myself

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My latest digital commission. Digital work is very different from traditional work but it's still loads of fun. 😜

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Some stylised creatures for the Asthradhele Map. 🐉 and yes, I've discovered the zoom functions for my instagram stories. haha Will I annoy you with them? yes! 😜

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Armas de los QUIÑONES y QUIRÓS nel Palaciu de Villasinda, Llión.

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My latest commission from the for County Antrim, Ireland - this was partly a labour of love!

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