I hope that you are having a really splendid day so far, lovely people and lovely dogs.
We've had some sunshine, some rain and plenty of smiles here.
I'm wishing you the very best.

78 1170

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I'm wishing you the very best for a wonderful weekend.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

124 1404

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the tail end of your week.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

120 1301

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
The beagle has a brilliant idea...
I hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

89 1324

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I'm wishing you the very best for the week to come.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

90 1167

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
It has been just a tad rainy here today...the team are still smiling though.
I'm wishing you the very best for a splendid day tomorrow.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

87 1297

Hello, lovely people and lovely dogs.
Do your dogs know which pocket you keep the treats in? Mine sure do.
"Good dog pocket" is available as a print. If I can tempt you, here is the link
I'm wishing you the very best.

75 1086

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for a wonderful weekend.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

81 1132

I hope that you are having a super lovely day so far, lovely people and lovely dogs.
We're enjoying the sunny and blustery weather here.
I'm wishing you the very best.

82 1062

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
The team have been enjoying the snow here.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
I'm wishing you the very best.

80 1180

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
We've had some sunshine today which brought out some lovely smiles.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
I hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

75 1125

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
We hope that you have some fun walks tomorrow.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

80 1152

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the week to come.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

84 1342

Hello, lovely people and lovely dogs.
A couple of lovely people asked if I could make "Belly Rub," available as a print. Here is the link if I can tempt you https://t.co/HgvZXxaEuz
I'm wishing you the very best

49 606

I hope that you are having a super lovely day so far, lovely people and lovely dogs.
Do your dogs enjoy belly rubs? We've got a belly rub enthusiast here...
I'm wishing you the very best for the rest of your day.

91 1288

Hello, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I hope that you are having a great day so far.
Hooray for dogs who are ready and willing to keep your spot warm.
This spot-warmer is available as a print. If I can tempt you, here is the link https://t.co/MsAQUAToFx

97 1210

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for a wonderful weekend.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

97 1228

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the tail end of your week.
The team have celebrated by dressing as their favourite characters.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

162 1900

I hope that you are having a super lovely day so far, lovely people and lovely dogs.
We are ready for a snack here.
I'm wishing you the very best for the rest of your day.

75 1250

Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
The team say hello!!
I wish you the best for a wonderful day tomorrow. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
p.s. I'll tweet the boop video in a bit, technical issues here, sorry.

77 1259