my first few hours 🐛#hourlycomicday2022

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And that is the end of the challenge, and I finally did it ;W;
I may have bend the rules here and there but I'm so glad I pushed myself to complete it this year.

Thank you for sticking around, and good night uwu

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Orange peels and fish leftovers should NOT go together, especially in water 🤢

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ended up with. big brain fog moments most of today. but. have some remmy content

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that's all folks
til next year <3

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Tried to do Only did the first half of my day. 🥲

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I got too busy but kept a backlog and will try to finish them anyway :)

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im love pupusas so much and also probably last one bc im still doing the same thing LOL but.....well i guess watching youtube maybe next time will be more exciting :^)c

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