Don't get me wrong- Sir Alan is huggable enough, even if he's intimidating-
Mia like any embis just gravitates towards the shyest person in the room and lifts her up.
Sometimes literally.

Aiden and Shmaden of course started making bets...

0 8

💛A Date with Yesterday💛 Tsutomu Nagaoka Out Now!

A few years ago, you and your coworker Tsutomu carried out a secret office romance - until he ghosted you...

0 20

💛A Date with Yesterday💛 Main Story: Yukio Out Now

You and Yukio began dating the same year you started your career.
What does the future hold for you two?

1 27

🎩General Main Election 2021💎

We present to you the titles that are represented by the characters in the Main Election♪

"A Date with Yesterday"

2 25

💛A Date with Yesterday💛 Main Story: Atsuya Out Now

Just like that you're back in high school to rewrite the story of your love with the taciturn Atsuya Ogasawara.Will telling him of your love change your future for the better?

1 25

In Greek myth, Atreus and Thyestes fought bitterly over the Mycenaean throne. Sometimes one brother triumphed, sometimes the other. At one point, Thyestes said Atreus could have it if the sun rose in the west and set in the east - which by divine aid happened.

2 7

Main Story: Atsuya Out Now 💛

Just like that you're back in high school to rewrite the story of your love with the taciturn Atsuya Ogasawara.Will telling him of your love change your future for the better?

0 26

And Doe, definitely the shyest of the group by far.

1 15

It was obvious that it would make the shyest pegasus blush.

0 2

Brand New Title⏳ Main Story: Michael Out Now 💛

Just when it feels like everyone around you is hitting their grown-up landmarks, Michael the angel with the power to time travel comes into your life.

0 33

Brand New Title⏳ A Date with Yesterday is out now 💛
If you could go back in time and fix a love gone wrong, which would you choose?

6 68

Sunny was pretty hesitant about the camp counselors changing her diapers, but they are all so friendly. Brad especially, who can talk even the shyest camper into relaxing and laughing throughout each and every diaper change <3

57 327

Even though we only met recently, I'm glad to talk to you
Happy birthyesterday!🌹💕✨✨🍰🎂

0 14

oh no, not another pc ill never use 🤡 hes vaguely cupid inspired and the world's shyest extrovert

4 8

The shyest character.

2 11

🌸🌸 Meet RU! 🌸🌸

The shyest of the Bellossoms, Ru knows how to live in the moment and loves to encourage the others to do the same! She's also a practicing Yogi!

👇👇 Show some love for Ru in the comments!👇👇

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& .
Well, I have no idea as to how I came up with this.
ngl, me getting the chance to merge the shyest character with the most intimidating guy, and that just made me happy.
what I can say is I wanted to make him rounder due to the calmer design.

0 2

The shyest, specciest albino on Azeroth, stuttering painfully in a city near you this spring.

1 9

She’s the shyest succubus you’ll ever meet

1 4