Some books you don’t want to miss plus a list of many more!

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My recent reads include two wonderful picture books, the first in an early reader series which animal lovers will enjoy, and a very humorous middle grade novel.

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It's time for another picture book review from OPB, so come see what's terrific about Kelly Starling Lyon's newest, TIARA'S HAT PARADE (Albert Whitman, April 2020).

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What to read? Some must reads this week and some books that made me 🤔

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My first 2020 post is up! After some time off from blogging, lots to catch up on!

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Time to share my reading! Books you may want to add to your lists inside this post:

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has me reading two amazing graphic novels by authors I love (out in Jan) and (out in Oct). Both books filled with family and history and I love them so far!

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Took a week off from blogging for vacation. Now I’m back with some MUST READ books. Lots to add to your stacks today:

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My recent reads include some fantastic picture books and a heart-warming middle grade novel about family.

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This weekend was filled with reading thanks to a bad back! So excited for these reads through and

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My recent reads include some wonderful picture books - a few humorous, one a tribute to older brothers, another about the true meaning of home - and a middle grade novel about friendship, hope, and making a difference for our earth.

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My recent reads. Some great books to check out.

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My reading this week includes some wonderful books you'll want to check out.

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Here is what I've been reading this last week. Plus The Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City & What About Moose. It was a good week!

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