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Some books you don’t want to miss plus a list of many more! https://t.co/uhQLgs7XUq #IMWAYR
My recent reads include two wonderful picture books, the first in an early reader series which animal lovers will enjoy, and a very humorous middle grade novel. https://t.co/Dg8j2HJOQ8 #imwayr
It's time for another picture book review from OPB, so come see what's terrific about Kelly Starling Lyon's newest, TIARA'S HAT PARADE (Albert Whitman, April 2020).
What to read? Some must reads this week and some books that made me 🤔 https://t.co/6Rh9qEQlus #IMWAYR
My first 2020 #IMWAYR post is up! After some time off from blogging, lots to catch up on! https://t.co/Teuvya8GGE
Time to share my reading! Books you may want to add to your lists inside this post: https://t.co/7rVOE23TEa #IMWAYR
#IMWAYR has me reading two amazing graphic novels by authors I love @bottomshelfbks (out in Jan) and @RJPalacio (out in Oct). Both books filled with family and history and I love them so far! #bookexcursion @NetGalley #bookaday @AAKnopf @randomhouse @DCComics
Took a week off from blogging for vacation. Now I’m back with some MUST READ books. Lots to add to your stacks today: https://t.co/StfIegTvYw #IMWAYR
My recent reads include some fantastic picture books and a heart-warming middle grade novel about family. #imwayr https://t.co/k84Vvcv0JX
This weekend was filled with reading thanks to a bad back! So excited for these reads through #bookexcursion and @NetGalley @haleshannon @EmmaOtheguy @bookatshepherd #IMWAYR
My recent reads include some wonderful picture books - a few humorous, one a tribute to older brothers, another about the true meaning of home - and a middle grade novel about friendship, hope, and making a difference for our earth. #imwayr https://t.co/jlXqhdmExo
My recent reads. Some great books to check out. #imwayr https://t.co/hlib0WaPL8
My reading this week includes some wonderful books you'll want to check out. https://t.co/7A7SNerG8Y … #imwayr #kidlitlove @elizabethmlilly @maxwelleatoniii @EricRWalters @mrwolfcomics
#IMWAYR Here is what I've been reading this last week. Plus The Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City & What About Moose. It was a good week!
Great recaps of books by @AmeDyckman @elclimo @JuddWinick @ashleyspires @DashkaSlater in @elisabethelling's #IMWAYR
As expected, @JanaTheTeacher has a glorious #IMWAYR post!
@jengoldfinger @AndreaJLoney @areynoldsbooks @MatttDavies
#IMWAYR - @ea12l is reading books by @rcpjallen @shelleyjohannes @BenHatke +
As always, a fabulous #IMWAYR from @JanaTheTeacher
w @bobshea @yourbuffalo @cordellmatthew @DraftingJason @Lehrhaupt
#IMWAYR Nothing sweeter than poetry & picture books: https://t.co/coDmd8ZX89