|||| Wanted to do something creative for Sheryl's B-day so here she is in matching taiyaki hats with the lovely ray of sunshine 🌻🌻🌻
; o ; sorry if it looks bleh icantdrawfishhelp

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Tried to draw Nabi and Corpse💜


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“Seungho, you’re more interested in that book than me...”
“Well, you’re not wrong, my lord”

Theory that Lowborn Seungho reads noblemen’s books for free after “playing” around 📚

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I'm one (two in Japan) day late. But still felt the obligation to draw Ginchan for his birthday. Wasn't sure what to do but in the end I came with a Ginhiji family, with tenko ofc, also didn't feel in the mood to draw a fkng background lol

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I hate them, I was trying to draw to calm myself down but ended up crying over this because I hate drawing on my phone and drawing as a whole LMAO

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UHHHHHHHH here are some. Low quality drawings. I feel like I’m not gonna be active as much today I’m gonna finally suck it up and watch Devils playhouse byeeee

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I hate the full thing so you'll only get this teeny tiny headshot.

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shaaaaaaaaicantdrawconradhealwayslooksweirdaaaaaaaaaaasaaaa and then i turn into a human bin😩

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team cone heads here to remind you that even though registration is closed, you still have time to upgrade your package!!

All proceeds go towards helping LGBTQ youth facing homelessness! Upgrade today! 🌻

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Have you joined yet? Register today at https://t.co/qjZ9XEjnT5 and make some quirky friends! 🌻

Fanart for this years adorable and feisty mascot !! ❤️

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Hi yes hello me and my elf boyfriend in my OCverse uwu <33


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fuck orbot look like he's dancing
anyway it's done
I took too long to finish itsgyaiudhashd

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I'm not the best artist, definitely trying to learn more about art. But I still wanted to give drawing my favorite neko streamer Okayu!!!

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