While I'm here freezing my butt of I wanted to draw somebody who enjoys the cold weather alot more than me xD

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Today on American Turkey Day one made a little crayon drawing based on a particular expression & pose of during a segment of The first is mostly non-colored, second is basically colored, & third is modestly shaded.

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よくも神王たる余に膝を突かせたな | ボルゾイくゆ https://t.co/8XMzxnRpGI

ブレーカー・ゴルゴーン | rimuu https://t.co/2PXuAY9NcY

正義の味方になりたかった | しらび日目東A-29a https://t.co/OR2emAVpJ9

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Anime: Caster Illya-chan by hariboteeee

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