Grace (Infinity Train) for the color palette thing I made

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фанрты по овл хаусу скоро будут, а пока держите Грэйс с разными причёсками

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[ Grace | Power ]

i’m very late but hey the csm pv came out and the it trend party looks like it went well so i doodled the girls for the hell of it

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That’s right I’ll post this on any platform I have B)

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사이먼 dvd2가 나온다면 이러지않을까 싶어서 그렸다....

2 13

저번에 도안에 넣은 그림들 안올린걸 방금알았수다

32 62

as kingdom hearts stained glass! High key my favorite book, the characters are so well written.

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