Hey! Happy My name is Leah and I've been cosplaying since I was 15. Nearly 12 years now! I love this hobby with my whole heart and I love to channel my creativity into characters I love. Cosplay is for everyone!

2 17

Oh it's 👀

I started cosplaying 2015 and have never looked back~

All cosplays by me (Captain Marvel was purchased)

11 122

Happy Cosplay has allowed me to have a creative output again after feeling that studio burn out, make amazing friends, & really understand who I am as a non-binary person! Here’s to making more weird shit!

5 50

This is my , it's my favorite and I loved this pics!

Pics 1, 2 and 4 by
Pic 3 by

RT for support!

6 23


Cosplay has brought me so much joy and I couldn’t imagine my life without it! 🌸

Photographers PKSnaps Starky Cole and Eugene Artjomenko ❤️

4 64

Feliz Quiero a gradecer a este maravillosos hobby haber conocido a personas tan maravillosas, ayudarme a ser mas creativa y poderme sentir, por unos momentos, parte de mis peliculas-videojuegos favoritos
Con que cosplay me conocisteis vosotros?

31 120