May 2, 1602, birthday of German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher. He imagined Earth's section in his "Mundus Subterraneus" (1664-1665) as crossed by veins of water and fire 🌋

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Happy bday Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, French idealist philosopher, Jesuit priest, b. 1881.

"We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other."

“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”

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Pozzo's View. Work based on the Frescoe's of great Jesuit perspective of Baroque era.
Artist: James McGrath

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The Jesuits were banished from most of Europe and sent to Corsica where Napoleon Bonaparte was born and he made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. After the Napoleonic Wars the Papal States, Vatican, and Jesuits were restored under the Congress of Vienna.

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Some pieces on secondary:
"Frosty" - 2 $XTZ
"Fashion" - 4,5 $XTZ
"2021: Kubrick Odyssey" - 7,9 $XTZ
"Jesuit" - 15 $XTZ

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Portrait of Dutch Jesuit (Portrait of Ch. Raaymaker
S.J.), 1910

Jan Toorop (1858 - 1928)

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"I am always aware of what we owe to the Society [of Jesus, aka the Jesuits].” St. Teresa Avila

And she would never have imagine that she would one day be canonized a Saint along with the founders of the Jesuits!

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13 Feb 1574: under pressure from the Master, Adam Squire, Robert Persons future & exile leader resigns his fellowship at Balliol (BM)

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31 Jan 1623: Papal constitution Romanæ Sedis Antistes permits use of various customs in Christian evangelisation as promoted by the Robert de Nobili

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2/2 Jesuit missionary with his tame lion. Because he has power to overcome the savage heart! Painted in 1638 by Jusepe de Ribera.

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Today is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle to the Far East. A Basque priest who co-founded the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, and a missionary to India, Japan, and China, where he died on this day in 1552. The greatest missionary since St. Paul.
Ora pro nobis

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Happy Birthday to Pedro Arrupe SJ.

"Without a doubt Christian love of neighbor entails a duty to care for the wounds of those that have fallen victim to robbers and are left bleeding by the wayside."


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28 Oct 1510: b. St Francis Borgia in the Duchy of Gandia

Widower & father of eight, he became 3rd General of the in 1565 having earlier renounced all his titles (BM)

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17 Oct 1578: St. Robert Southwell enters the probation house of Sant'Andrea (BM/Croberto)

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Pimped out quote of a based Jesuit from my place, plus a drawing by me

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El arte y el daguerrotipo. Así quedó el Colegio Jesuita de San Xavier de Puebla después del bombardeo de los cañones franceses durante el sitio de la Angelópolis de marzo a mayo de 1863. La primera imagen es un óleo de Adolphe Beaucé, la 2da una imagen de Edouard Roussel

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St. Isaac Jogues and Companions, Martyrs (1642-1649)

Eight French Jesuits; six priests and two lay brothers. Five died in modern Canada, three in what is now the United States. Working for the conversion of the Hurons, they were taken prisoners and tortured by the Iroquois tribe

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Kalmyks in manuscript VIII H 75

Kalmyks are a West Mongol nation and the original descendants of Mongol tribes. The Jesuits worked missionarily with them during the 18th century. One of them recorded scenes from their lives (clothes, hair, bows, yurts, the alphabet and others).

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25 June 1592: Robert Southwell & poet is arrested at night at Uxenden near Harrow. He was taken first to Richard Topcliffe's house where he was tortured. Executed on 21 Feb 1595.

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2 May 1586: General Claudio Acquaviva gives Robert Southwell (executed 1595) & Henry Garnett (executed 1606) licence to go to

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