Happy birthday yak ! Doanya template aja ya, gapapa template asal terkabul kan ya? Hehe✌🏻

All the best, jaya raya selalu! Betah betah yak🙏🏻

11 191

hepibidi bund smoga yg disemogakan terkabulkan, maap gmbarny serem, lg gbsa bikin lucu" :o

2 7

selamat = safe
ulang = repeat
tahun = year
safe repeat year, pak adhieeewwwwww pecel !!!
semoga yang selalu disemogakan akan teraminkan (terkabulkan)

3 18

Hbd for me <3
i wish the best for myself.

Doa gw masih sama kaya beberapa tahun yg lalu yg blm di kabul in. Hehe.

0 1

독일 함부르크 출신의 떠오르는 비트메이커 Loop!
편안하고 즐거운 그루브가 상쾌하게 다가오는 Loop의 2022년 앨범!

Loop [공백]
Loop [Vacuum]

[온라인 배포]

0 2

The night market is opened!!

Let's spend some $RINOs, win raffles and help

The floor price on the rise: we need more eyes on this fantastic NFT project (top notch utility and dedicated to a great cause).


16 35

Happy Birthday Epweelllll~
Nggak terasa udah 4 tahunnn uwu
Semoga apa yang Epel harapkan bisa terkabul~
Wish you all the best~ >w<

3 23

The time is now! RockaBully has been collected from a super celebrity! Don’t miss your Bully!
👉🏻We accept any offer!👈🏻
Cult collection everybody is talking about!🚀


2 4

Hey Frens what are u waiting for? Your RockaBully is waiting for a new home! Cult collection
Help me to relaunch this project❤️
👉🏻We accept any offer!👈🏻


5 13

Last 2 items!!!!🥰🤩🤩🔥
💎Price - 0.003
Grab them now!!🔥🤟👇👇


101 124

HBD Jetaa🎉🎉 🎂
Moga bisa terus menghibur dan bisa terus ngasih konten konten menarik dan terbaiknya dan terus diberikan kesehatan ya
Dan moga semua wishlist yg belum terkabul bisa kesampean tahun ini😄

49 443

Öğrencilerimiz sordu, ben cevapladım, çizdi!

Bana yapılanları her yerde, her alanda, her şekilde anlatmaya devam edeceğim.

84 283

Hi, j'aurai un stand le 12 novembre sur le festival manga montlouis sur loire sous le nom "tou'créatif" dans le programme mais toujours pokabulrai en bannière.
Le programme ici : https://t.co/i8gC8fffI3
Venez nous y voir ; ) Je propose toujours des illustrations à la demande

0 2

Happy Birhday Auraaa~
Semoga semua yang kamu inginkan dikabulkan uwu

2 13

Do not miss upcoming pump:
🦏New staking contract is LIVE!!!! Kudos to the team
🦏$RINO (gasless and off-chain)
🦏Airdrop for holders
🦏Rhino factory with NFT raffles and whitelists
🦏 leading the pack.
I'm mekabullish!!

6 8