I hate Kinnara's guts but she's not wrong that this is exactly what the gods are doing

0 7

Well Maruna, the name Airavata is not something that piece of garbage Kinnara deserves to have

0 8

Well since Kinnara talked about how that woman used Sanyoga Kinnara in the most efficient way, I'm with Maruna here. She must've killed them the moment they were of no use to her

0 8

Kinnara, you piece of garbage! I knew this had to be the case but I was like "Maybe she actually deserved someone's loyalty just once in her goddamn life". All this fake coughing and telling her "Oh, your good intentions are enough for me, dear", ugh, that disgusts me🤬

0 8

I smell manipulation which is exactly what I expect from Kinnara but I would love to be wrong in this case bc I really do feel bad for that woman and I don't wanna see her getting manipulated by Kinnara

0 8

Wait, why is she telling her this? The Kinnara I know would never reveal her weakness like that so what is her endgame here

0 9

I feel incredibly bad for this woman bc it seems like she holds Kinnara in such a high regard since she saved her and I don't like that bc Kinnara is not someone who deserves such loyalty imo

0 8

Oh sweetie… I think Kinnara used her but who knows maybe she really did earn her loyalty

0 7

I wonder what kinda agenda does Kinnara have

0 7

Oh Kinnara was there as well? Yeah, that's important to note

0 7

I think she's here to murder the king but she seems inexperienced. This made me think tho maybe whoever sent her, possibly Kinnara, wanted to murder the royal family back then but the blame fell onto the knight order since the gods didn't wanna blame the real culprit?

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緊那羅 綺摩羅 が完成しました。

2 12

I wish I could've smacked Ravana😡😡 Also, I would love to learn this wise Kinnara clan Sura's name some day

0 9

This doesn't make all the awful things Kinnara did go away and I still don't like her but this whole convo humanizes her and makes it easier to see why she decided to get rid of Airavata, not just to be strongest but bc she was afraid of being erased as an error

0 8

Okay so this tells me that Kinnara always had a fragile ego but she had common sense and she respected Airavata

0 8

Hmm, so everybody knew that Kinnara was getting weaker and weaker

0 8

Ohh, there may have been a lil amount of time skip. This got me really intrigued tho, did Ravana and Chandra convince Kinnara to betray the humans

0 8

I don't know if I've ever addressed this before but I already made my judgment about Brahma the moment I learned that she thought it would be better for Kinnara to have the name Airavata and this was the last drop for me.

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I hate Kinnara but every step taken to protect my babies is appreciated

0 9

After an amazing dream, Leez is back to the cruel reality where I have to see Kinnara's face

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