kirby64 fridge 🥬

256 1363

Omg it’s the girls! Love them sm

And that concludes the “Kirby character that where going to get a doodle page but instead get their own separate drawing” ☃️

3 10

It's always a tradition of mine to watch all of the movies once I finish up

...I felt so embarassed when I got to the end after playing them all individually only to see a "Play all" option... orz

11 60

"Do you really think we can talk that pink walking stomach to NOT eat wherever the urge hits him? Go ahead and try"

22 84

In terms of mobility plus attack power/range, I honestly don't know if anything beats fireworks o:

7 36

So Ninja (Cutter / Bomb) is another S tier ability for its pure utility in absolutely mowing down enemies

...and that super satisfying "swishhh TINK! -BOOM-"

11 48

Rock / Cutter is already broken as is, but in the underwater rock tunnel where it prevents you from being affected from the flow it's a straight up GODSEND

11 47

Miracle Matter

Such a badass boss, felt like drawing him and the different forms he takes on

Considering it is the 30th anniversary of my favorite Nintendo series, felt like I had to show that in a nice manner :D

0 2

A good portion of this month's comics boil down to "Kirby 64 is just fun and cute and I love it"

15 49

Adeleine but she’s also your best friend from high school who draws way better than you

8 6