klab dropping two premium kisukes that look exactly the same because he never fucking changes is so funny

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⚔️ Une page en couleur consacrée à Twin Star Exorcists a été publiée dans le Jump SQ afin de célébrer la sortie du tome 30 au Japon

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Honnêtement je l’aime pas 😔 ( kisuke supremacy au passage )

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Kojiro as Kisuke Urahara from Bleach

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so. we've seen what the onmitsukido uniforms look like on yoruichi and soi fon. what. what i'm saying is. kisuke in one of thes-

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quick sketch for Kisuke Urahara's birthday

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Hoy, 31 de Diciembre, es el cumpleaños de Kisuke Urahara del manga/anime BLEACH

Manga editado en España por

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I forgot. Kisuke’s birthday is tomorrow (today in Japan) on New Years’s Eve and Yoruichi’s birthday is on New Year’s Day. What a pair.

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Kisuke Urahara from Bleach is aromantic!! (hc)

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Merry Christmas BLEACH fans! 🎄❄️🎁✝️

Enjoy this "Brave Souls" art with Shinigami, Vizard, & Espada all getting along for the holidays:

Shuhei Hisagi
Sajin Komamura
Tier Harribel
Hanataro Yamada
Hiyori Sarugaki
Jushiro Ukitake
Kisuke Urahara
Lisa Yadomaru

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stranger things apparently also did it at one point. also its like meme oshino and kisuke urahara fused i think??

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Watanabe Kisuke's christmas present

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