My Meshela, little warlock 😊💜
She has a twin sister who is lost, but they are together again today. Nejatha
Kithaan, lf draenei and his love💛💜
(Kithaan and Nejatha @/white_demonelf )

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My Meshela baby~💜💛
(And Kithaan, his love)

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\(^o^)/ 💜
Meshela, my little warclock
She left the horde and became independent to be with her love. 💛💜 (Kithaan, lf draenei)

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Kithaan and Meshela 🥰💜💛
Lightforged draenei and nightborne
Khalatix and Virzaa, though here is a Neutral and an Alliance. 🤔
Dragon and Lightforged draenei

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My Meshela, little warlock 😊💜 love, Kithaan.
And big twin sister, Nejatha

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Khalatix (storm dragon) and Virzaa (lf draenei)💙💛
New ship Rosgan and Zedrina (was now in the wedding RP :3)
My Damer became a mother again. 😊 Venmar, little baby boi~
Kithaan (lf draenei) and Meshela (nightborne) their love went beyond Horde vs Alliance. 💜💛

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My Damera main OC
Meshela, my lovely warlock and Kithaan(love)
Khalatix and Virzaa! (will be a common baby)
Felabra, my disc priest
And many more~ they just can't fit in here

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My Meshela warlock baby~💛💜
(and Kithaan, whom she loves very much)

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I can only show few of them. XD

Kithaan, Rheedia, Mydesa and Geudan (the monk boi)

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Do you remember him?

He's Dragonblood, my fury warrior, who lost his horn tips in war. (He rushed at the enemy like a ram)

So he got update, so thank you for the engineers, he has now stronger horn tips of LIGHT!

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Meshela semleges lett, hogy Kithaan mellett élhessen. ^w^
Zeragos sárkányként egyikhez se tartozik.
És nekem is van Sethrak lánykám, de még nincs róla rajz QwQ így nézne ki XD ( karakterének a fogadott lánya ^^)

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And more WoW couples~
and my OC babies
Kithaan and Meshela
Khalatix and Virzaa
Navador and Tirna
Hezdor & Wolfina and little Godan :3

Art by @/goatluminati @/Monniponi and

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Najó, nem tudom megállni...
Meshela, nightborne lock lánykám~
Szerelme, Kithaan! LF draenei warriror.(@/white_demonelf )
Egyszer Meshit megmérgezték és végül Kithaan hozta az ellenszert és fényével együtt gyógyította meg, innen van a tincs.
Nejatha, Meshi iker tesója.

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My Meshela warlock girl~🥰💜
(and Kithaan is her love)
Art by @/goatluminati
And @/Lunareth

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Literally I have a lot cross specie ship with , we really like the strange couples. :3
So, here's some of them with credits to each artist!

1. Khalatix & Virzaa (storm dragon + lf draenei)
Art ©

2. Kithaan & Meshela
Art ©

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