🎲 1st Minting Whitelist 🎲

📃 1st Minting Information
- Period: February 23rd ~ March 1st
- WL Spots: 500
- Winner: 50 (Top 50 Rankers) + 450 (Randomly Selected)

🎁 1st Minting Whitelist Application Link

15644 6853

Strategy Board Game.
What is the number on your dice? How to get on the We will reveal soon. 🚀🚀
Roll the dice to get on the

110 125

We want to grow our project by actively interacting with our users. Be a part of KLAYDICE by participating in our community. 👍

90 97

Everyday, we are trying to make things more interesting. Please stay tuned and look forward to it.

48 51