Joevember Day 16: Chuckles

Everyone’s favorite Undercover Specialist takes us through the halfway point of the month.

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Joevember Day 15: Airtight

The Hazardous Materials specialist and worst-named GIJOE ever.

Great costume. He was featured in the cartoon a lot and his bright yellow and green suit with the cool helmet always stood out.

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Joevember Day 13: Lifeline

Because no one demanded it... Lifeline.
I’ve got nothing against Lifeline. Every team needs a good medic and he served my Joe team well for hundreds of imaginary battles.

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Joevember Day 9: Roadblock

Truly an artistic soul in the body of a warrior this rhyming gourmet chef is as sweet as can be but has probably murdered at least 50 Cobras. Too bleak for Monday morning?

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Joevember Day 3: Sgt. Slaughter

Sgt. Slaughter is of course the boot camp instructor in a remote location that whips Joes into shape like no one else.

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Joevember Day 2: Flint

Listed as a Warrant Officer on his file card, Flint took the role of tactical expert and field leader in the cartoon.

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