「はじめまして レイトン先生」
「『お久しぶりです』 と」
「言ったほうが 正しいのかな?」


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When I first played Lost Future about 10 years ago (wow!) I was fascinated with the twists and turns of the storyline and it's memorable characters. I'm really glad I was with the Professor and Luke on their wonderful adventures so many years ago. Congrats!

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One of my favorite moments in Unwound Future are the Puzzle Battles!! Love the music too! Really felt like I was being tested on my puzzle solving skills.

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So, I decided to draw this from Lost Future/Unwound Future, as I remember this being a really cool scene when I first played it. Professor Layton games have always been special to me, and I enjoy going back to them to redo some of the puzzles!

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Clive Dove's tragic story had left a lasting impact that stuck with ( & helped ) me throughout the years since I've played the game for the first time, and surely for many years to come — without a doubt, my favourite character.

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I filled the screens from the Mobile Fortress with all of the amazing characters and locations from Lost Future. Every single one of them means so much to me, and I really enjoyed dedicating a piece to them all!

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Claire has always been my favourite character from Lost Future, and her story is emotional every time I play. I wanted to do a piece dedicated to her and her story - I wish we got to see more of her!

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Another entry for with my favorite character, professor Layton. Despite his brilliance, Lost Future reminds us that Layton also has his own vulnerabilities just like everyone else, yet still finds it in his heart to stay strong for others.

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Unwound future left a big impression on me as well ad the other Layton games. I absolutely love the Layton and Luke dynamic and wanted to make a little piece about them

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Here's my drawing for Art Contest!

Note: May contain spoilers of Professor Layton & the Diabolical / Pandora's Box!

I was so amazed with the transformation of Don Paolo into Flora! 🙀

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By far, one of my favorite scenes from Layton has to be when he builds a slot machine gun to use against the mafia that targets him. I love seeing innovation in motion, and that cutscene more than provides!

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Claire was such an interesting character that I wish had more screentime. She balanced being this calm in the storm while still remaining bright and lively despite her circumstances, and she was such a neat addition to the team for the time she was there.

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The Layton games have always served as personal touchstones for me, but the Professor’s last scene in Unwound Future feels especially significant right now.

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This story and these characters had such a massive impact on my life. The love between Layton and Claire was such a wonderful, powerful love that touched me so deeply, and I will never forget the role they played in my life.

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The scene with the slot machine gun blew my mind the first time I played it, I remember my heart racing like crazy! Something about the animation of the scene still sticks with me to this day.

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Chinatown has a fantastic aesthetic and atmosphere, and the story acquires a new dimension with the beginning of the big revelations in this place.
Future Luke is an incredibly interesting and ambiguous character, still obsessing me 10 years after.

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