Styled like a 2000s album, here’s Megan Kuàng 💗💗💗

Since she died in 2009, she’s the most recently dead (vs Trevor in true canon).

She has a huge crush on someone that goes back & forth👀

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💗Meet my Original Character set in the CBS’s Ghosts universe!

She’s 28 (at time of death in 2009) and was working on her masters degree in photography (rip that money)

She’s Malay-Welsh!💗

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💗These were some quick emotions/fake emoji doodles💗

>Judging Nigel
>Dramatic Gasp Isaac
>Finger Guns Trevor
>Confused Flower
>Disinterested Hetty
>Impressed Pete
>Embarrassed Sam
>Singing Alberta

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✨You Just Lost The Game✨

Featuring Trevor and my OC Megan remembering a super old 90s/2000s game that was totally on the rise when they were growing up.

Get ready for more shenanigans in the future👀👀

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The big internet is back up! Thank you JacletsGhost, here is your raspberry

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WOO SHEILA BIRTHDAY FANART!! have a great day Sheila, and thank you so much to your sister Susi for commissioning this from me!! we spent the entire time messaging about how cool you were hehe<3
(rts appreciated)

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just a lil drawing of Stephanie from cbs ghosts :D she would have bullied me horrendously in life but oh well<33
(rts and comments appreciated!!)

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I love whenever my favourite characters interact. Ahhhh I love these two so much. I can't wait for the next episode. 👻

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NEW CBS GHOST EPISODE TODAY AHH!! i drew sam and sas for the upcoming episode, i love them I CANT WAIT!!!
(rts and comments appreciated!!)

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