Please do keep showing support to us! We feel deeply appreciative that you guys keep voicing out for us!

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No sir. To withdraw the bill, it has to wait for the LegCo to resume in October, then discuss if it is really withdrawn or passed. Hence it is essential to pass the "HK human rights and democracy act" to achieve HK universal suffrage!

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We insist that the HK Human Rights and Democracy Act be passed, despite what Carrie Lam has said today. It is of utmost importance that we have the support of the US. The CCP is a dishonest monster. Never trust the CCP and its puppet.

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Hong Kong police block the first aid to rescue the injured people! Shame on them!! 😡😡😡

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Pls pass the HK Human Rights and Democracy Act to secure the safety of HKers antiELAB and HK protesters frm being revenged by CCP China and the red HKSAR

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