Man I love the aesthetic of those Little People Big Dreams books. Have they done a Mary Shelley one yet? If not... I’m available. Just saying. 😉

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author Isabel Sanchez Vegara is wrapping up her time on the at Hurry over if you'd like to say hello and get copies of and signed!

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If you're not at the at you should be! author Isabel Sanchez Vegara is talking about celebrating communities and giving children the power to dream big.

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In 15 minutes we'll be at the with author Isabel Sanchez Vegara! Come listen to Isabel speak and then get a copies of and signed!

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author Isabel Sanchez Vegara will be signing copies of and for 15 more minutes at booth 2825! Come say hello, meet Isabel, and get your book signed!

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Stop by booth 2825 NOW to meet author Isabel Sanchez Vegara! Isabel is signing copies of and from now until 6:30!

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Come celebrate the opening of by stopping by booth 2825! author Isabel Sanchez Vegara will be hosting her first of two signing events in just 15 minutes!

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JUST ANNOUNCED: presents w/ on June 7th at
Pre-sale starts Thursday at 10AM

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Very proud today that the wonderfully eloquent has written a guest blog for about one of the latest books, Have a read here 👉

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Day 30 Pick:

Planning a ? Give a book about your favorite shero instead of a card.

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to 3 new titles in our series! 😍 Strong female role models for children

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