Megalodon vs Livyatan and also is Megalodon kill and eat Livyatan melvillei. XD
And Megalodon kill macroraptorial sperm whale(also call raptorial sperm whale). XD
Megalodon is biggest rival for Livyatan, and Livyatan always get threat by Megalodon.

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Livyatan (Livyatan melvillei) era un cetáceo parecido a un cachalote el cual vivio hace 13 MA y se extinguió hace 12 MA en el época del Mioceno, habito en los mares abiertos en lo que ahora es Perú, sus restos fueron encontrados en el desierto de Pisco ah (+)

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The huge extinct sperm whale Livyatan melvillei measured an incredible 18 metres long. It had huge curved teeth lining its jaws, unlike modern sperm whales which grow conical teeth only on their lower jaw.

(Credit: Mary Persis Williams)

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Finally, Livyatan appreciation post. These fuckers are haunting as fuck.

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Meet Livyatan, Liv for short, my half-elf cellphone bard.

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A Livyatan Melvillei mawshot for

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