Ian Wilgaus
‘Italian Greyhound’
Ink & Watercolour
10” x 7”


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Brightening up your day with a dose of artistic humour! Carolyn King’s joyful & amusing satirical observations of daily life seem so apt in the present moment. Our galleries are physically closed, but we’re are still online. Browse https://t.co/IrQ3RhpGnU

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parents wanted me to send something in since drawing is all I do! haha

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Another using a photo rather than a live in-person model for reference

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For some unknown reason me and are doing an impromptu version of Rivers Of Babylon

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‘Release into the Wild’ - can anyone else relate to a doughnut-eating, bulging belly, unkempt-hair creature? Definitely not talking bout the wabbit

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Check our latest conversation with the artist to understand the art, style, colours and inspirations he found during the lockdown https://t.co/od6Oj7hpWz

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Got a new baby in the house... just been given a scobie to start a kombucha tea brew, alongside a kerfir jar it’s like keeping 2 tamagotchis fed and watered!

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Today’s nominated by . 🙏 😀
Would like to have a go if he hasn’t already?

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Here are some more illustrations of my hands during lockdown

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