Un dibujo de Carlos al día le aporta belleza a la jornada.

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Un dibujo de Carlos al día le aporta belleza a la jornada.

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Un dibujo de Carlos al día le aporta belleza a la jornada.

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Gonna miss that "Pacheco Stack" layout. R.I.P 😪

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RIP to one of my fave comic artists, Carlos Pacheo. His run on the X-MEN comics in the late 90s played a HUGE influence on me wanting to become an illustrator.

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We are heartbroken to learn, just now, that LEGENDARY Spanish comic book artist Carlos Pacheco has died at age 60, after a battle with ALS.

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Carlos Pacheco partiu e me vem à cabeça um filme de todas as vezes que li uma história desenhada por ele ou quantas outras desenhei com suas hqs sobre a prancheta. É um dia muito triste!

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When I was twelve I saw this X-men cover with Cannonball hanging upside down and fell in love with comics to a new level. It was one of the art moments that sticks with me. You will be missed Carlos Pacheco! 60 was way too young!

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El 🎨 comparte su último trabajo que hará en el medio del la portada de "#DamageControl

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Tengo una enorme incógnita: ¿Los hijos de Timmy que aparecen al final de "Cazadores de Canales" los procreó con Trixie o con Tootie?

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Dill is on a date with Haku at Lospass Island!

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