One of my characters from my and Animeria's rp's.

Bardolf is the brawn and muscle-head of the original Wolf Pack 5.

Bardolf © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi Brugarou/Chibi-Tediz

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Cabin boy and thief Yugo.

Yugo and Garuko species © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi Brugarou/Chibi-Tediz

Please do not use any of my characters or my work without my
prior permission.

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Now here's a real werewolf in the Sonic world. A new pack member for Chibi's Pack.

Rage the Werewolf © Chibi Brugarou

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Lycantober has arrived.

An old King of the Werewolves with powerful and forbidden magic that will cause all chaos.

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