- Wild Christmas -
A mini Christmash event with Sumera /Su-chan ( MC2 ) and
A gift for participating and answered correctly in my little game yesterday. Thank you for taking your time to play with me ! 😁

9 29

No no, Rothko and Duchamps and the like are amazing, you just don´t get it. And they are in awe an very much following the footsteps of their predecessors. Art became more about the math of it than the artisanal/entertainment aspect of it. Think the art of "E=mc2"

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DJ 予定



ウルトラヘヴン room19


1 2

Profile Pic

I was going to post this next year for my profile pic, I still wear the same clothes, but the only thing I change is my hair colour & the mc2 is on my left shoulder lol😆.

9 105

-Housamo : Padoru edition ( Pt.1 )-

Su-chan ( MC2), Toji, Echo-chan, and Hermes.
More characters are coming soon ! ( I hope..😅)

30 72

MC2’s Spider-Girl: Mayday Parker, takes this power further! She discovered she could repel objects touching her or within close proximity to her. I think somewhere she said she doesn’t believe it’s unique to her. Just that no other Spider-Man/Person has thought to try it!

25 170

Last 1 hour for our Discord
Einstein will be waiting for you inside
E=mc2 right? 🟡🥸

77 147

Just read the new MU Spider-Girl comic and I liked it!, is silly fun and there’s plenty of MC2 stuff here, have a nitpick here and there but considering these are basically glorified extras for MU I can’t complain much, I had fun

These Infinity comics blow for tablet reading tho

99 972

Lighting The Way

Masanori using his flames to light the way for the mc2🔥🔥🔥🔥

26 191

Toji x MC2 :

-Sun & Moon on Ice-

8 30

My reference design for the mc2 doll designs

Hatsune miku doll: doll design 2
Mc2 from Tokyo afterschool summoners: doll design 4

4 49

Pict.1 : My design for lord Freyr

Pict 2 : ⬇️ The reason i paired him with Su-chan (MC2 ) (Once again I put it at the bottom so that the first picture looks full..hehe 😜)

5 23

Eating crepes with Marduk & Mushussu

Mc2 & Marduk eating crepes & Mushussu finished eating his crepe & decided to eat Marduk's crepe & Marduk got angry at him.

19 142

Riding on Marduk's dragon Mushussu

Marduk taking Mc2 on a ride with his dragon Mushussu

21 172

Pict.1 : My design for lord Shaytan / Lucifer before he fell from Eden

Pict 2 : ⬇️ The reason i paired him with Su-chan (MC2 ) ( I put it at the bottom so that the first picture looks full..hehe 😅 )

9 30

A kiss to my body guard

Mc2 kissing Xolotl On the cheek to thank him for protecting her

23 124

support this Einstein set here:

3 35

Mc2 & Shino eating roasted Sweet Potatoes

Mc2 brought two roasted sweet potatoes🍠🍠 from the vendor & she gave one to Shino.

24 244