Day 1 - Golden Apple
Only doing quick art for this year because I do not have the time to do big stuff :’)

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Hello!! I'm Emily and I do this type of art, my goal for now are 50 followers :D. And honestly I don't have the chance to dress up for Halloween but I will do the mcyttober :D

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Mr. Minecraft!!
Uhh yeah this is a redraw of my Oct 2nd 2020 Mcyttober!

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september: i did mcyttober hosted by @//JustDessPlease i believe ! i learned about how to use overlays & developed my art style :D

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I've got a pile of sketches, so I've decided to keep working through the prompt list; it's good practice.

Here's MCYTTober, Day 8: Warrior

Quick piece of the Queen of Hearts and Body Parts, FalseSymmetry

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day 5: shiny

over a month late but better late than never, right?
i drew Shiny () looking at a shiny object (Minecraft diamond)

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im jello and i really like saturated and colorful drawings! 3 of these drawings are from mcyttober but it's because i am quite proud of them ;v;

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Yes the challenge is finally finished :’]

Jack’s with the bois

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day 31:jack o latern
cat boy dream for last day of mcyttober :P

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day 31: jack-o-lantern
finally, its day 31 and i didnt miss a single day (even tought i was close), so here is a drawing of Dess as a pumpkin (sort of) with a jack-o-lantern as a form of thanks for making such a good drawing prompt list!

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WOW WHAT A MONTH! I had so much fun doing these and i just can't wait for next year!! and with no more talking, have all these boyes! (tags are gonna have to be put somewhere else ig HDBVKEUHVBE

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happy halloween !! :D i hope today will be great for everyone cause i've been enjoying it so far :))

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Day 31! jack o' lantern
Its Momza and Dadza :D The Pumpkin stream was so fun so I just had to <3

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【 good old times,right?】

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