We can't forget Mother Medulla and Heat Death, of course.

But maybe we wanted to. (End)

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that's him your honor, that's the man who did wheelies on my medulla while I was sinking into a dark vortex

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27. When CSF passes through the foramen of Luschka this results in filling of the subarachnoid space of the cisterns and the cerebral cortex. The level at which CSF enters the subarachnoid space is called the cerebellomedullary cistern.

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今日の掘り出し物1、『Medulla Game』。

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・シュールレアリズムな悪夢から逃げるアクション『Medulla Game』

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Good old pen and ink! Overview of the spinal venous system, both intradural and extradural components, which are separate by the dural crossing of the radiculomedullary veins. New article by Dr. Gailloud on the antireflux mechanism located at this point: https://t.co/dA3LH96340

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New article by Dr. Gailloud "The antireflux mechanism includes at least a tight narrowing of the radiculomedullary vein, which likely influences the development and clinical expression of low-flow spinal arteriovenous fistulas..." Illustration https://t.co/H5cQb4SjOP

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circa 2002. Illustrations from medical illustrator and manager of Neuroscience Publications, Mark Schornak. Depicts spinal AVM classification of compact intramedullary spinal AVMs (thoracic vertebra, posterior view)

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29. When CSF passes through the foramen of Luschka this results in filling of the subarachnoid space of the cisterns and the cerebral cortex.. the level at which CSF enters the subarachnoid space is called the cerebellomedullary cistern!

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日本初パーソナライズヘアケアブランド MEDULLA(メデュラ)。


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While we are at it, I’m taking some time to appreciate , and how many late night painting sessions she got me through in college. This all-nighter is dedicated to her!

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Daily Draw 2; Dr Medulla and her cohort Hilda Tectum supervising what could only be a scientifically irresponsible activity.

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aaand new pic of medulla as well

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Finishing up book chapter illustrations for Dr. Philippe Gailloud: spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas are located within the dural sheath of a spinal nerve root and typically drain intradurally into a radiculomedullary vein.

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It's EXTREMELY RARE to have intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (INCIs) in a Hurthle cell neoplasm on FNA. When faced with oncocytic cells containing INCIs, it's best to think first of a Papillary CA (conventional or oncocytic variant) followed by Medullary CA. Histo f/u - PTC

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