Wh00pz, I accidentally did war crimez in b0snia || - - -

7 26

Bl00p here’z a buncha human l0serz ||

10 46

0c stuff since I g0t my wife back ! || || -

5 25

I've been redrawing 90s series episodes in the 2008 style. Now, it's time for me to do the opposite. For example, I redrew a 2008 series episode in the 1995 art style.

1 8

How about calling themselves men without reading at least one cute, girly story like Elizabeth the Compunctious? A real man doesn't limit his comic reading to masculine stories/characters...


0 7

“I look good in hats, especially ones with wide brims” and I t00k that 2 heart ||

7 24

Just wanted 2 edit them based 0n h0w I draw em fer fun ||

4 16

0h dear 0h me I d0ne dr0pped my little shape pe0ple || - - -

12 32