Nofap + Banho Gelado + MGTOW + comer carne crua + comer virado pra parede + biohack + dormir no chão + gritar no escuro + mewing + HBD + PUA + jelq + dormir 5 horas por dia + café gelado sem açúcar + hipismo + compilação mitadas Enéas + alho cru + podcast do Joe Rogan + redpill

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I went full MGTOW... 😔

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When a MGTOW has a nightmare.

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COMMANDER ROURKE (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

Redeemable: See Ratcliffe, Governor, colonists aren't redeemable.
Does He Fuck: Not since the first time he logged into /r/MGTOW.

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PJ weasring two badges, one that says "MGTOW" and the other with the circle and slash over the word "Gynocentrism," reflecting his attitudes on the treatment of males in many sectors of society these days.

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