The final vs. the sketch!

I didn't *intend* for this to be Polaris when I started sketching it, but whenever you give someone green hair... it's gonna end up looking like Magneto's daughter. 😅


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Magneto's other hand aaaaand some tape removal! 👂🎧👂

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Magneto's hand, Wolverine's femur aaaaand swipe to see parts of Wolverine's skull that I painted on the packaging.

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Thinking of painting AOA Magneto's face black once I get it but, it maybe be too tricky for me...

7 24 one of those "I don't care what they say about ___, you're alright in my book" liberals.

For a man as seemingly untrusting of gov't institutions as Claremont (see: Sentinels, Freedom Force, Magneto's Trial, Ronald Reagan), his Run features an awful lot of "not all cops"...

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Being put through Magneto's enhancer machine has left Sabretooth with little appetite for general scumbaggery, now he just wants to fuck and share his transformed body with you :3

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magneto's kids giving powerpuff girls..

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...of Magneto's characterization. Since my first readthrough, I've come to learn that "Magneto Was Right"– how long is a marginalized community expected to suffer before they radicalize?

Worse, Kurt's fury directly condemns Xavier. What use is the dream they've all died for?

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magneto's face when he realizes wanda and pietro really are his kids for the first time 😅

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We discuss "Grim Reminder," which features Kitty the best friend, and "The Cauldron," which features the himbo-ist of Summers brothers on a new episode of Mutant Musings Evolution out tomorrow morning!

And also how Magneto's plans really rubbed me the wrong way...

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This picture has kinda been posted everywhere whenever this convo gets brought up. I mean this implies that tony knows what magneto's powers are beforehand tho.

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arthur, magneto, haggar and phoenix!

arthur/magneto: rivals for both being associated with metal (arthur's armor and magneto's abilities)

haggar/phoenix: a protector vs destroyer rivalry (haggar protects metro city while phoenix destroyed the meta of this game 🤪)

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Since Studios now has access to the X-Men, I wonder if is setting us up for some major retconning of Wanda's backstory. Did Hydra give her and Pietro their powers or did they just unlock their mutant powers? Are they actually Magneto's biological children?

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I'm not sure who's stupider here: for the sheer ignorance/cartoon strawmanning that went into the original image or 's ridiculous hot take. Magneto's a Holocaust survivor and the Red Skull's a literal Nazi. And both he and the Joker hate Nazis.

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Wanda Maximoff is a Romani (mutant? mutate?) gifted w/ powers of magic & chaos, the stunning & striking twin sister & (former?) daughter, she's aided heroes & villains; Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, & more!

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Fun fact, this isn't a cute way to disguise nudity Magneto's business end just glows like this because he's just that legendary.

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there is.. within the marvel universe. Magneto's forcefield is comparable to the invisible woman's shield in type.. he does have a physical shield from his first appearance and it can physically block people. bear in mid kitty could get through his shield even before but

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Joanna Cargill aka is a mutant former mercenary, w/ superhuman physical stats (strength, durability, etc); while she sometimes allies w/ villains (ie Acolytes of cause, the Femizons), there are also times when she aids heroes like the &

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Nothing to see here. Just Betsy catching up on backstory while on the couch watching Ted Koppel on ABC news.

(X-Men vs Avengers 1987)

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Been a long time since I did Polaris, so here we are. Been cool seeing her and Magneto's interactions on Krakoa.

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