Stéphane Mallarmé, né à Paris le 18 mars 1842, mort à Valvins le 9 septembre 1898...Hérodiade, Brise Marine, Don du Poème, L'Après-midi d'un faune, Les Dieux antiques, Album de vers et de prose, Oxford, Cambridge, la musique et les lettres, Divagations...

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Mujer joven arreglando su cabello, 1890
John White Alexander, vivió en París donde frecuentó a James McNeill Whistler, Auguste Rodin, Stéphane Mallarmé y Henry James. Destacó especialmente en el retrato femenino.

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residents: Irish historian Goddard Orpen (painting by Sean O'Suilleabhain) + his Kansas-born novelist wife Adela lived round the corner from the Yeatses' Woodstock Rd home and next door to historian Frederick York Powell who introduced to Mallarmé's poetry

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Mallarmé translated Poe’s Raven into French. Manet illustrated it. Literary and visual translation of poetry...

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Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Gauguin, 1891

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Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Gauguin, 1891

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Édouard Manet Illustrates Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, in a French Edition Translated by Stephane Mallarmé (1875)

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Dessin Estival avec Agnès, la Vierge de Fer et Mallarmé

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miho hirano ... "... feel the wild paradise - like a buried rice - flow from the corner of your mouth ..." .... stéphane mallarmé

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Born in 1842: French symbolist poet (1842-98)

Portrait by Édouard (1832-83), 1876

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Stéphane Mallarmé was born on this day in 1842
A caricature of the poet as the god Pan, by Manuel Luque

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Stéphane Mallarmé, né à Paris le 18 mars 1842...Hérodiade, Brise Marine, Don du Poème, L'Après-midi d'un faune, Les Dieux antiques, chez Jules Rothschild, Album de vers et de prose, Oxford, Cambridge, la musique et les lettres, Divagations...

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Celebremos que hoy haría años Berthe Morisot. Mallarmé definía su pincelada como "polvo volátil": “una pintura etérea, con figuras introspectivas y melancólicas pero que a la vez transmiten la alegría de vivir a quién las contempla”.

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D'ametista sepolti senza fine
in abissi sapienti
e abbarbagliati, ori ignorati
che custodite il vostro antico lucore
sotto l'oscuro sopore d'una vergine terra

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In Un coup de dés... transforms Mallarmé’s poem into an ecstasy of feather-sharp ruptures. The void is a thick cream. The word, the gesture, in joyous anguish: explosante-fixe!

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