¡Holaaaa, aquí está el 292 de Iruma-Cum, traducido desde el japonés!



Descarga: Ninguna, porque los alemanes han tirado la cuenta de mega del scan también. Pero uniros al discord igual XD: https://t.co/pDnZ9bn1YA

28 369

Mahiru thighs saves Amanes life, and I hope it ends on ‘that’ scene

0 86

Characters who have big floofy manes AND neck fluff...


4 25

税込¥1320 ※利益は全て保護猫/保護犬団体に寄付

Tokyo Romanesque TV

6 7

La primera guerra mundial fue un invento de los alemanes para robarnos el Óscar 😤😤

924 14236

Preteen Techno is my favorite because he looks like he’s right on the edge of sprouting like an oak tree but still having the body of a scrawny kid—His manes a mess his tusks are about to drop—and he’s lifting weights everyday but he still wants Mumza to read him a bedtime story

27 614

Hough,,, crowley in maneskin outfits ,,, 🧎‍♀️💕



61 319

i forgot i turned them into maneskin for fun 😭

10 52

Bon dia. Com molts sabeu, aquest proper mes de maig tornem amb més energia que mai.
En un parell de setmanes tindrem activa la plataforma de gestió de venda d’entrades.
Us deixem amb la versió en català del cartell, obra de l’artista .
Fins aviat!

69 260

Abro debate, ¿Mordecai se lava la cola o es de esos manes que dice que eso es de gays? Los leo

82 2523

A Snaerdinm, one of the many creatures you’ll find in the Sarutaro’s world.

Since they have no eyes these animals use the seaweed-like appendages on their manes for vision similar to echolocation.

1 13

“Tócame y acaricia cada rincón de mi cuerpo y déjame morir y vivir en la belleza de tus labios y en la exquisitez de tus besos. ”

4 27

Un projecte que tenia feia setmanes. La Noelle de Black Clover. Dedicat a la que hi posa la veu!

9 33

⚠️ : ouverture de l'escape game géant en avril 2023 à l'espace ''Boom Boom Villette'' (Paris) ⚠️ | https://t.co/wrpoAwqEQ4

3 7

Few things are more precious than a pair of ponies putting flowers in each others’ manes. Right, ? <3

15 153

Febroary day 7 - Canada Lynx
(Lynx canadensis)

These wild cats have very fluffy paws, they function as snowshoes. I also love their fluffed manes.

0 6

Aquarelle + gouache + crayon.
tirés du conte "Kintsugi", dans mon Livre Chamanes, les Chants de la Déesse, disponible sur:

2 53


Himiko is known to us through both Chinese & Korean records where she is mentioned as the shamaness queen of Yamataikoku, the location is debated to this day. The reason she was removed from Japanese records is unknown, but she is often associated with Empress Jingu.

3 11