Por un lado ando algo emocionado por el trailer/teaser de Mario....por el otro lado.....tengo miedo....y mucho

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this next challenge was very funny... but bonds aren't looking too good.... im worried for mario...

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Muy Bien, ¡lo diré aquí y ahora!

Si Illumination desea poner a "Star-Talents" en el Doblaje Español España y/o Latino como los personajes del Reino Champiñon dentro de la película de Mario...

¡MÍNIMO que sean Youtubers/Tik-Tokers sobre cosas de Nintendo!


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29) Mario & Wario.

Un exclusivo de Super Famicom que usa el mouse-hada para controlar los obstáculos en el camino de Peach, Luigi, Mario... ¡Van caminando solos y con un cubo que no se sacan!

¿Por qué les haces esto, Wario? 💢

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5) jolene paper mario.... i looked her up to add to this thread and found my own art thats pretty cool.. listen her personality and story are so good and even though shes a paper toad she also is just another glasses lady

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11) Super Mario Land.

Game Boy, su primer ¿Cuántos la estrenasteis con él?

Y la de pilas que habréis gastado en la época... 🙀

Pero no se ha quedado en la portátil monocroma, lo podéis revivir en 3DS o con métodos dignos del mejor villano.

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"I'd keep an eye on those two if I were you Mario... I don't think those are official members of Nintendo..."

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[🎤BF🎤: `` BRO, WHAT IS THIS!!!! IS THAT MARIO...AS ME?! `` https://t.co/3aYNIDyYcO

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no way.... it´s doubled upside down flipped horizontally blurred turned -15° purple and green mario....

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A fanart I made for 's Capped Mario...? I don't think he has an official name.

I tried to make seem like something out of the Fleetway comics.

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"Believe in the light, Mario..."

Based on "If Mario Was In Disney", the SMG4 episode of 5/21/2022, Mario wields the Keyblade as dark forces surround him. But... Is he worthy?

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To this day I know nothing about paper mario... Paper and GameCubes on the other hand I happen to know about

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Mario... are you okay?

A concept when I get animation software.

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Move over Mario...cruise by Crash

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No lave la ropa así que... e-esto es lo único que encontre en el armario... 👉👈

Empece a dibujar de vuelta, que opinan?
I started drawing again, what do you think?
🎨Art by me

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I did tell you about Dr mario..... I warned you...
Also s'cuse me sir, it's thanks to me that you have marshstomp.... sleep is for the weak 😤
*proceeds to pass out*

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