It's all about the music and hair 😔

17 58

I’m wearing green in a red room so I decided to do and hopefully not scare anyone off. 😂

7 34

Since everyone's been doing it. I guess I'm finally jumping on the bandwagon. 👀💦

27 215

hay tanta gente bella que hace esto y luego estoy yo😔😢...
mi baja autoestima no me dejo tomar una foto buena de mi cara

4 12

i saw this somewhere i promise

0 2

I'm a memelord that might have a few loose screws
why did I pick this photo, you ask?
but this is my best photo.

7 17

I didn't plan to join this tag this time but then I remembered a certain photo of me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

3 10

Me vs My Art


0 1