☀️ - Sun/female/20 ☀️
Sun is absolutely and totally in love with herself! Really popular on social networking sites due to her looks (and not taking any crap online/offline!) loud potty mouth personality 💞

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🌟 - Sternenleben/female/14 🌟
a space kiddie! recruited from toddlers shoes on to train to keep the space monsters at bay/not cross over assigned territories! positive, foolish, irresponsible, oblivious, SHOCKING!! amount of luck 🚀

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another 💪💕 Juni/female/14
Juni is a freckled child with a huge passion for singing the LOUDEST music! needs time to warm up to people & is usually very quiet/reserved out of her musical comfort zone! 🎶🎵

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lil' ! Eerie/female/14 💪💪
Eerie is a bad spirit/demon cleanser/hunter (however you want to call her)!
the enemy of all evil! sucks that she’s so scared of them that she breaks out in tears whenever she is confronted with one! 💦

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