That seems like a lovely pit of death, don’t wanna fall-oh crap!

10 25

R1 got new shiny arms as well.

39 101

Reworked innards of grabbers legs, now less buggy.

28 68

These seem peaceful enough

14 56

No more bugs in my wiring!

40 120

Lava bullets? Solid idea. What could go wrong?

25 55

New sensor bolts are quite devastating.

32 73

Calibrating claw alignment for optimal bone-crushing efficiency.

10 38

Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-bARGH!

45 131

Fresh armor-eroding acid, now on tap.

19 45

New development builds with a difficulty slider!

22 35

That cover was a nice one. Too bad its gone now.

28 76

Doesn’t like bullet hell games, accidentally makes one.

51 111