I am grateful for the lovely friendships that I have - some are years old, some only days. Friendships can be traditional or unconventional, human connection is something that we were never meant to be without..


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There's nothing quite like your own bed, and even though our mattress has seen better days, it's so much more comfy than any other bed and I dread the day when we have to get a new one!


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For me today, sharing this again is very timely...

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"

And having such amazing people around you to help you bounce back..

Thank you

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Our lives are so busy that sometimes it’s hard to stop and consider the small ways we do good things for ourselves and others.

I loved cuddling up with my mum when she read to me as a child, and I cuddling up and reading with my own children.

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