submitting two participants for the parade. 🇲🇾✨

1) narcy lermaque - she's sho ekshaited for merdeka !!
2) lady mangga - fab queen fighting the malaysian heat

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so much malaysian stuff in one artpiece haha😂😭

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Joining with hibiscus theme 🌺💕🇲🇾

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Lineart and flat colour done~~ Hopefully esok boleh siap shading semua >.<

9 17

Entah laa ni je yg paling pantas aku boleh buat. Ramli pendekar bujang lapok. Nak hantar si bumi tu dia tengah cuti panjang

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Ehhh tumpang laluuu. Budak kecik ni nak join parade juga. Hehehehe

11 24

Back then, only Dato' could unite us all Malaysians as one. I still remember how my big family regardless gender and age, sitting in front of tv and cheering for him.

Living legend 🇲🇾❤️

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So here is the full character for untk Merdeka 2020, theme malaysian OC. Thanks for the opportunities 🙏🏻. Perhaps to have more challenge and collaboration like this after this 💯😍

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Can't forget the true heroes that madr it possible for us to celebrate Merdeka this year.

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Done ✅. Teh Tarik🍺 joined in hold by 🇲🇾🇲🇾

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Ini Husin. Husin belum mandi tapi nak join jugak perarakan. Jadi Husin pergi parade tak mandi

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Pin!Pin!Pin! Uncle Roti also want to join the merdeka parade
Kalau ada yang lapar masa parade, uncle bagi roti free~~

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Takde OC tapi ada abampanda je.
Rasa macam takde la most malaysian sangat tapi apa2 je lah haha

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Odengarch menghantar satu lagi kawan dia namanya teh tarik xtra buih. Dulu minum kat kedai sarapan pagi selalu minum dengan extra buih. Ni kawan nasi lemak ni

19 39

Masa sekolah rendah dlu, selalu main layang2 and I have this one design layang2 exactly like in the picture. Dari situ la dtg idea ni 😂 :')

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